by Henne Vogelsang
TAP TAP is this on?
Welcome! This will be the premiere place to learn about the latest shenanigans of the OSEM team. Explore with us the world of Free and Open Source Event management. Learn about the latest releases, features and issues of our little app. Let's go on a wild Ruby on Rails tour. Let's stage-dive into the latest, hot frontend topics together. C'mon people, let's rock 'n' roll!
Currently we're not only busy buying socks and ties for our loved ones, Christmas is around the corner, the whole team is also working hard to get the first official release out of the door. There are only two ship stoppers left, one in our own code regarding association dependencies and the other one in ahoy, the ruby gem we use to track visits. Particular the latter is a nasty little bugger involving non-integer primary keys in rails, which seems to be you just don't want to encounter.
Once we squashed these we should be able to let the big go! OSEM 1.0 will be the culmination of more than 1.000 commits to . It will be a release which already has powered 5 large FOSS conferences. More than 1000 people have gone through the registration and around 300 lectures through the paper submission work flow. It has proven to be an asset in the tool belt of major Free and Open Source Software communities, to openSUSE, GNOME and ownCloud!
Besides diligently submitting code to our repository we also went ahead and bought the domain and hacked up this page to be able to release OSEM 1.0 with the brag factor it deserves! As we take our freedom seriously also this endeavor is purely based on Free and Open Source Software. is built using the wonderful static site generator Jekyll, the frontend is developed in the awesome bootstrap framework from twitter (same as OSEM itself) and it's look is based on the neat agency theme from Standing on shoulders of others is fun Imagine you would have to come up with all of this by yourself, just to publish a web page.
That's whats currently going on with the OSEM crowd. We hope you enjoyed this first post and that you'll come back for more. If you have anything to say, just leave a comment would you?
We're looking forward to the release and more posts, like all the little ones look forward to the next days See you around!